Front Row: Emily Siegel-Stanton, Janice Marshall, Emily Murthy, Cecilia Aragon, Alex Krassin, Kim Sorenson. Back Row: Steve Gosar, Superintendent John Goldhardt, Nate Martin, Beth Bear.

ACSD#1 Board of Trustees includes 9 elected officials, serving a 4 year term; 6 residing in Area A, 1 residing in Area B, and 2 At-Large.

Area A refers to the city limits, excluding Cottonwood Estates and Roach Addition

Area B refers to county limits, including Cottonwood Estates and Roach Addition

At-Large includes Areas A and B

The city verses county lines impact which area a candidate can run in. Those that live in the city limits must run in Area A or At-Large and those living in the county must run in Area B or At-Large. This ensures a representative from both rural and city areas is elected to represent the interests of the voters.

Beth Bear, Chair, Area A

Carrie Murthy, Vice Chair, Area A

Janice Marshall, Clerk, Area B

Nate Martin, Treasurer, At-Large

Cecilia Aragon, Area A 2-Year Term

Steve Gosar, Area A

Alex Krassin, Area A 2-Year Term

Emily Siegel-Stanton, Area A

Kim Sorenson, At-Large

The Board governs lawfully and ethically with primary focus on:

  • Setting the vision and direction for the District

  • Strategic governance leadership instead of operation management

  • The future rather than the past

  • Clear distinction of Board and Superintendent roles

  • Encouraging all voices to be heard, especially the community whom we serve and represent

  • Building trusting and respectful relationships

  • And most importantly student achievement

Meet The Board
Meet The Board
Meet The Board
Meet The Board
Meet The Board
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