
General Information
If you or someone you know is experiencing a transitional living situation as defined below per the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, please contact the district homeless liaison or your child's/ren's school to inquire about qualification for services and supports under the act.
Definition of qualifying transitional living situations:
-"Doubled Up"-Sharing the housing of others
-Living in a motel, hotel, trailer park, camping ground
-Living in an emergency or transitional shelter
-Living in a public/private place not designed for humans to live
-Living in a car, park, or abandoned building
-Migratory children living in a listed circumstance
-Unaccompanied youth living in listed circumstances
Responsibilities of the designated liaison are to ensure that children and youth experiencing a transitional living situation are:
Identified through outreach and coordination activities within the district and community.
Enrolled in school, if not already, and able to fully access and participate in all educational and extra-curricular school opportunities.
Able to access and receive educational services for early intervention services through school district administered preschool programs.
Provided with referrals to health care, dental, mental health, substance abuse, housing, and other appropriate services.
Additional duties include:
Informing parents/guardians of educational and related opportunities available to their child/ren.
Posting public notice of educational rights of students experiencing a transitional living situation in locations frequented by families and youth. This may include schools, shelters, public libraries, soup kitchens, etc.
Mediating enrollment disputes when necessary.
Informing parents, guardians, and unaccompanied youth of all transportation services. This includes transportation to the school of origin.
Providing professional development and other supports to all school personnel.
Ensuring unaccompanied youth are enrolled in school, have opportunities to meet state academic standards as other children and youth, are informed of independent students under the Higher Education Act and receive assistance verifying this status for purposes of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
McKinney-Vento District Homeless Liaison - Lisa Theis 307-721-4430
Community Support Team

Lisa Theis

Sarah Morris

Ada Musahti

Kym Codallos