School Nurse


Parents must provide all medications for their children that need to be taken at school, including prescription, over-the-counter, cough drops, etc. We do not stock medications for general student use at the school.

Every medication, including over-the-counter medications must be in their original container or prescription bottle. This means even cough drops must be in the original bag with ingredient dosage, and expiration information.

Students may NOT carry medications with them while at school. We will store all medications in the nurse’s office. Exceptions can be made for inhalers, insulin, and epi-pens if the parent(s) and doctor decide it is appropriate and needed for students to carry with them. In such cases, the student’s parent and doctor must complete and sign the proper paperwork.

Parents must complete and sign (and have the doctor sign if it is a prescribed medication) a medication form for every medication their child must take at school. This includes both prescribed and over-the counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, cough drops, etc.

–Medication Form for Over-The-Counter Medications

–Medication Form for Prescription Medication

–Asthma Inhaler Form


Students who may need emergency medications should also have an emergency action plan or school health care plan on file. These plans may be provided by your physician, or you may use one of the following forms, or you may contact me to develop a healthcare action plan for your child.

–Food Allergy Action Plan

–Asthma Action Plan

–Seizure Action Plan


Permission to Administer Emergency Medication or Perform Emergency Procedure

Some students may need a school health care plan for other reasons, including but not limited to migraines, mental health, dietary issues, physical restrictions. If you feel your child needs a health care plan, please contact me and we can develop a plan for your child.


Immunization/Vaccination Requirements:

The following immunizations are required for all children attending either public or private school in grades Kindergarten through Grade 12:

DTAP/DTP/TD (4-5 doses)

Polio (IPV)(3-4 doses)

MMR (2 doses)

Hepatitis B(3 doses)

Varicella(2 dose), or Verification of illness

Tdap booster (prior to entering 7th grade)

All 7th grade students will need a Tdap booster vaccination prior to starting 7th

Your child may be conditionally enrolled in school for 30 calendar days while obtaining the required immunizations and/or providing the written record of immunizations or official waiver of exemption to the school nurse.

Your child will be excluded from school if the proper documentation is not provided within 30 days from the start of school.

Waivers from these requirements may be obtained from the Sate or County Health Officer upon written evidence of religious objection or medical contraindication.

More information regarding immunization requirements for schools can be found on the Wyoming Health Department website

HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act)

All student health records are maintained in accordance with HIPPA/FERPA laws and regulations. For more information regarding these regulations, check out the following link