District Report Card

The district report card has been designed to provide district stakeholders with data to support effective communication, system analysis, and improvement planning.

ACSD#1 District Report Card is available in other languages upon request. To request translation services please contact the Director of Curriculum at (307) 721-4400

ACSD#1 ESSA Report Cards

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that all districts and schools provide transparent information to the public. The Wyoming department of Education provides a framework for school and district report cards that meet ESSA requirements. To access ESSA report cards for all districts and school in Wyoming, please click the link below and follow the instructions provided.



To access the ESSA report card for ACSD1, click on the link above. When inside of the Wyoming Measure Up website, use “MY DISTRICT” dropdown menu to select Albany County School District No.1. Then click “VIEW DISTRICT.”

To access the ESSA report card for a specific school, click on the link above. When inside the Wyoming Measure Up website, use “MY DISTRICT” dropdown menu to select Albany County School District No.1. Then select the school you wish to view from the “MY SCHOOL” dropdown menu. Finally, click “VIEW SCHOOL.”

If you require translation services or a hard copy of the report, please contact the District Office: 307-721-4400.

District And School Accountability

All Wyoming elementary and middle schools receive one of four School Performance Ratings: Exceeding Expectations, Meeting Expectations, Partially Meeting Expectations, or Not Meeting Expectations. Four Indicators are used to inform the ratings: Achievement, Growth, Equity, and English Learner Progress (ELP) and different measures are used for each indicator. Please see below for additional information.